Lam Thanh Nhan Apps

Flickr Saver - Photos & Videos 3.3.1
Lam Thanh Nhan
NOTES: - Instructions here: HOW TOUSE: - Paste the supported URL that you want to download into theinput box. - Check the Private Mode if images you want to downloadneed to be logged in, joined, followed to view. - Check the IncludeVideos if you want to download videos. - Press Start Download andwait for processing. - NOTE: At the first time your URL issupported to download one photo (instead of all), the app will showthe option for you to choose. The option will only show one time.You can change the option later in Settings. SUPPORTED URL(EXAMPLE): - 193567326@N03 - - - - - Saver - HOW TO VIEWDOWNLOADED IMAGES - Open your My Files app > Internal storage> Download folder > Flickr Saver - Each download will save asa separated folder with a user Id named FEATURES - Download asingle file if the URL is supported - Download all images andvideos contained in your URL input - Choose the max size of imagesthat you want to download, videos will be downloaded in maxresolution - Fast download with multi-threads feature - Supportsskipping downloaded files MORE DETAILS - Support downloading allphotos from Flickr (user, user favorites, group, album, gallery,search). You just need to paste the full URL from the Flickr siteto download all images and then press download. [See image abovefor more details] - Support private account (Pro). This featurerequires permission (READ permission only), this app will authorizeit through your web browser so you can sign in to your account in aweb browser before granting permission. This app only save token inyour local storage for later use, you can remove permission on thisURL: - Supportmulti-thread download (2 threads in Lite, up to 32 threads in Pro).This is the number of images is downloading at the same time. -Support max size of download images (Large 2048 in Lite, all sizesin Pro). This feature is dependent on the maximum size of the phototo download, this app will download the maximum size possible andit will be lower than or equal to this setting. - Support dark mode(Pro). - Support videos download. - Ignore the downloaded images. -Support download at the lowest setting. DISCLAIMER - This productuses the Flickr API but is not endorsed or certified by SmugMug,Inc. This app is not related to the official Flickr app and itsmakers in any way whatsoever. Please ensure that image downloadsare authorized by the owner, we are not responsible for any claimsabout the copyright of photos you have downloaded. - This app willonly collect the anonymized data needed for improvement, all yourpersonal data will be stored in your local storage.